Author Interview with Rayne Golay of The Wooden Chair

Author Interview
Today I had the pleasure of interviewing Rayne Golay:
1. What made you want to be a writer?
Glad to be here.
As only children often are, I was precocious. During the war, I was a little child with very few kids my own age. There was not much for me to do, so my mother entertained me by reading. She taught me to read and write. From the moment I could read, I read everything with the printed word on it. I had a very vivid imagination, told my dolls stories and lived in an imaginary world. In school I was lousy with figures, but always had straight A’s in composition. Since I was very young, I dreamed of writing real books; not short stories or essays, but books with lots of pages. And so now I do J
2. Who is your favorite author?
Only one? I have several. Sue Miller, Daphne du Maurier, Mika Waltari, who’s a Finnish author of such fabulous books as The Egyptian and The Etruscan. These are only a few, but let me add Pat Conroy. I so fell in love with his book Beech Music. Jeffrey Eugenidesm; his book Middlesex is not to be missed. Last but not least is J.R Moehringer, a Pulitzer prize winning author who wrote The Tender Bar.
3. What is the name of the last book you read
LOL. I’m such an eclectic reader; I just put down Serve to Win by Novak Djokovic, the world number one tennis player. It’s about tennis, healthy food habits, workouts. I’m passionate about tennis, which I guess explains the book. 
4. Tell us about yourself in 3 words?
Dependable, honest, passionate
5. What is your favorite activity?
Life! Seriously, life is the most fantastic adventure there is. Other than that, I like to get together with good friends. Tennis, as I said. Orchid growing, reading. I’m also a movie buff, can easily watch two movies in a day. Any kind of music, but I have a penchant for big orchestra symphonies. Nothing to do with symphonies, but I so like Brian Adams. And writing, of course.
6. If your book could be made into a movie? Which actors would you have play the main two characters?
Ah, my dream come true that THE WOODEN CHAIR would be made into a movie.
I’ve thought about the answer to this question for long minutes. As THE WOODEN CHAIR begins, Leini, the female protagonist, is four years old. We follow her for over fifty years. I can’t think of a child actress who could play her so I’ll leave the answer open for somebody out there to answer. For the young Leini as wife and mother, I imagine Anna Chlumsky. 
For Bill, the love of her life, her husband, I like Bradley Cooper with his wonderful blue eyes.
7. Who is your favorite character in your book?
Without a doubt Leini, the female protagonist. During the time it took me to write THE WOODEN CHAIR, Leini became a part of me. She lived in my mind, in my dreams, in my heart.
8. What's in your TBR ( to be read) pile?
Scott Turow “Identical” when it comes out. I’ve read a few of Edward Rutherford’s books, New York among them. His Ruska is on my list. Nine Coaches Waiting by Mary Stewart. Doctor Sleep by Steven King. Did I say I’m an eclectic reader? J
9. What are 3 of your pet peeves?
Drivers who don’t put out a blinker to signal a turn. No more wars! People who lack respect.
10. What's your favorite ( cats or dogs), ( coffee or tea), and what's your favorite food?
Ah, this one’s easy J Dog, the boxer in particular. Over the years I had five of them. I used to breed boxers.
Favorite food? Cheese. Genuine, unadulterated French or Swiss made cheese. Hmm, makes my mouth water.

Thank you so much for stopping by and chatting with us.

Rayne is offer a tourwide giveaway:

Tour Wide Giveaway
2 $10 Amazon Gift Cards
10 ebook copies The Wooden Chair

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Hi Rayne--I, too, get annoyed with people who don't use their blinkers. I usually shout (in my car, no one hears me) "It's okay, really, I knew because I'm PSYCHIC!" Great interview. Lots of good luck with your sales! Hugs,

  2. Thanks, Sharon. It's all right to scream in the privacy of your car :)

  3. I, too, love a really well-aged Swiss cheese. I eat it with apples and dates. Being a vegetarian, I eat a lot of cheese and am always looking for a new Swiss. Any ideas?

  4. Ah, a cheese lover. There is iGroumet which has wonderful Gruyere and a huge selection of Swiss and French cheeses. Have you tried Gruyere or Emmental (here called Swiss Cheese :) with pears?
    Thanks, Pat, for stopping by.
    Did you think of entering for a chance to win? Do so.

    1. Hi Rayne! I did not know that Gruyere and Emmental are what we call Swiss cheese. Thanks for that. Yes, I've eaten pears and Swiss and it's wonderful. I did enter to win by commenting. Thanks.

  5. I'm like you, Rayne. I couldn't just pick one favorite author, either!

    1. Belatedly, thanks, Angela, for your comment. If I could, I'd put up a whole list of those authors who've been meaningful to me. I think those I posted are my favorites.

  6. I love dogs the best too(: great interview!

  7. Angela Adams, you're right, there are so many it's difficult to decide on any one author who's THE ONE.
    Thanks for stopping by.

  8. Katie Cody, Cats are nice, but dogs are special, I think. Husband is a cat person, so we don't have either anymore.
    Glad you like the interview. Remember to register for a chance to win a copy of THE WOODEN CHAIR or an Amazon gift card.
    Good of you to take the time to comment.

  9. Rayne,
    A great interview. I've learned a lot about you. My favorite food is pizza, even though I know it's not healthy and I'm a health and good food fanatic.
    I also get annoyed by inconsiderate drivers who won't use their blinkers.

  10. Hi, Rayne! Here I am and I have to say Mary Stewart's Madam, Will You Talk? is one of my all-time favorite books. I can just see a movie with... Hugs.

  11. Nicholas Genovese, I leave you the pizza and keep the cheese. Anything in moderation is good.
    Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate it.

  12. Vicki Batman, thanks for commenting :)

  13. Rayne

    Thanks so much for stopping by :-)


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