What would you bring?

Have your every just sat back and thought about all the good things in your life. Well I have reflected over the past few days. I have discovered that I may not have everything that I want in life. But I am very happy with what I do have.

Sometimes we dwell on the things we don't have and forget the wonderful things in our lives. With that being said, some of the wonderful things in my life are my family. I have great friends, a good job that I enjoy. And I have a place to live and food to eat. Not everyone can make that statement.

So I pose a question to you. If you had to go to a deserted island, and you could bring 5 items, what would they be and why?

My answer: My family(I could not live without them), food (we have to eat), camping gear (we could have a dry place to sleep), books (my kindle would not work  :-(), bug spray( not a bug fan) (lol)


  1. Hmm, good one. My 5: family (yes), an unlimited supply of pizza, a computer (else how would I blog?), lotsa Coke, and books! Now if I had to answer which 5 books, that would be harder! :)

  2. It does make you step back and think. I don't know what books I would bring either. I love my book collect that would be a tough one for me too.


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