Author Interview with Abby Niles of The Awakening : Liam

I am please to introduce Abby Niles to the readers of The Simple Things in Life

1. What made you want to be a writer?
Becoming a stay-at-home mom. I've always been an avid reader, but after I quit my job to stay home with the twins, I wasn't getting the same escape from reading. I found myself being overly critical of everything. I think it was exhaustion, lol. I think it kept me from really losing myself in a book. So I just started writing my own stories, and it unleashed an imagination I didn't know I had. I haven't looked back since.
2. Who is your favorite author?
My all-time favorite author would be Karen Marie Moning. I've devoured everything that woman has put out. Her highlanders are…well, I won't say exactly what I'm thinking, but seriously *drool*. Then there's Jericho Barrons. I don't have enough words to describe how delicious this man is.
3. What is the name of the last book you read?
That would be On the Scent by Angela Campbell. Angela is one of my could-not-live-without critique partners, so I was lucky enough to get to read this book before Harper Collins offered for it for their Impulse line. When it released, I quickly snatched up my copy. Being an author, I know how much work goes into a book AFTER an editor gets a hold of it and I had to read the final product. The book is still awesome and one of the few that can get a belly-laugh out of me no matter how many times I read it.
4. Tell us about yourself in 3 words?
Determined. Loyal. Loving.
5. What is your favorite activity?
For stress-relief it's working out. I can tell when I've gone too long between workouts because I start to get really crabby.
For fun it's just hanging out with my friends, maybe playing poker, talking around a fire pit or having a few drinks and letting go of the everyday stress.
6. If your book could be made into a movie? Which actors would you have play the main two characters?
Liam is pretty easy since I always pick out an actor for inspiration before I start writing a book. Liam was Chris Hemsworth, but Chris Hemsworth as Thor. This is the picture I set as my laptop's background the entire time I wrote The Awakening: Liam. Grr.
As for Ava…Amy Adams. Amy has that sweet and innocent face I picture Ava having, but has the fierce spirit of a fighter.
7. Who is your favorite character in your book?
Liam. I've been waiting a long time to share his story. What he went through in Aidan's book and what he goes through in his own book has made him one of the characters who will always stay with me. Don't get me wrong, I love all my characters, but every once in a while, there's a character that burrows a little deeper into my heart. Liam is one of them.
8. What's in your TBR ( to be read) pile?
I have a huge TBR pile since I don't have very much time to read anymore. However, Jennifer Armentrout's Origin releases tomorrow. I'm freaking fan-girl crazy over the Lux series. I have it pre-ordered and as soon as.  my schedule allows it, I will be curling up with that book
9. What are 3 of your pet peeves?
People who don't keep bubble gum in their mouth. Seriously. It makes me tick. I have a rule in my house. If I see it, it's gone. To say the least, there's not a lot of bubble gum chewing around here.
Drivers who almost come to a complete stop to make an easy turn. I don't understand this. Why?!
Cabinet doors or drawers left open. Oh. My. God. It just as easy to close it as it is to open it.
10. What's your favorite ( cats or dogs), ( coffee or tea), and what's your favorite food?
Cats. Though I am contemplating taking on the huge responsibility of a dog--a small dog.
Coffee. I wouldn't be able to function without it.
Favorite food? Yeah, that's too hard a question. LOL. I love food.
Thanks for stopping by Abby!!!


  1. Thank you for having me today, Keisha!!

  2. I totally did not picture Amy Adams for Ava but I had Chris Hemsworth in mind as Liam. Congrats on the new release Abby!

  3. Thank Rhianna! I have to ask, who did you picture as Ava?

  4. Thanks for the shout out, Abby! I can't say enough good things about Liam's story. It's one of my favorite reads!

  5. And you're very welcome, Angela! And thank you ;-)


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