Author Interview: Emelle Gamble of Secret Sister

Today we have the pleasure of chatting with Emelle

1. What made you want to be a writer?

Every book I ever read. Truly. I wanted to talk to the writer, the characters, the publisher. I knew it was my calling from the first books I read at five.

2. Who is your favorite author?

Always impossible to name just one. Top five (today) - Rosamunde Pilcher, Sue Grafton, Tana French, F.Scott Fitzgerald, Willa Cather. And I have another 100 I adore.

3. What is the name of the last book you read?

Me Before You. Stunning.

4. Tell us about yourself in 3 words?

Searching. Maternal. Optimistic. (I wanted to say thin, rich and pretty, but I don’t lie well…HA!)

5. What is your favorite activity?

Writing. Thinking about writing. Watching HGTV so I can stop thinking about writing. Doing anything with hubby, Phil-the-fist.

6. If your book could be made into a movie?

Which actors would you have play the main two characters? Eva Mendes is Roxanne. I’m trying to reach her. Not kidding. Ryan Gosling isn’t really Nick Chance, but I’m trying to reach him. Not kidding. Why the heck not?

7. Who is your favorite character in your book?

 I love Bradley. He is in touch with what’s good in life, remains happy, even though he’s had many losses.

8. What's in your TBR ( to be read) pile? Kathy Maxwell, Lori Wilde, Bill Bradley. Diane Gaston’s new regency. Mary Blayney’s Father Christmas. Too many books, too little time.

9. What are 3 of your pet peeves?

People I love who don’t do easy things to make their goals winnable. People who lie about politics and the Affordable Care Act. People who don’t cherish kids and animals. (Boy, am I intense. Note to Emelle, take a chill pill!)

10. What's your favorite ( cats or dogs), ( coffee or tea), and what's your favorite food?

Cats, cats, cats though I love dogs. Tea,  English breakfast. Favorite food is anything someone else cooks for me.

Thanks for the great questions!  XX Emelle

Secret Sister
by Emelle Gamble



To their friends, Nick and Cathy Chance have the perfect marriage. High school sweethearts who’ve been together for ten years, they’ve weathered challenges and are as committed as they were when they first fell in love. Cathy trusts Nick, Nick’s world revolves around his wife, and the future looks golden.

To everyone who knows them, Cathy Chance and Roxanne Ruiz have a perfect friendship. They connected in grade school and since then have been each other’s confident and trusted advisor. Cathy loves the gorgeous Roxanne like a sister, Roxanne has fun-loving Cathy’s back in every situation, though lately there’s been tension between these two best friends…

And then, on a sunny summer morning, the unthinkable occurs, throwing into doubt the truth of what each of these people really know about themselves and one another.

Will Roxanne’s sacrifice be too little, and too late? Should Nick’s love for his wife be strong enough to risk trusting his heart more than logic? Can Cathy’s devotion to Nick give her enough strength to convince him to see her for who she really is?

Secret Sister proves how strong, how stubborn, and how trustworthy love can be as Nick and Cathy and Roxanne are challenged to overcome the secrets, the lies … and one extraordinary twist of fate that turns their lives upside down.

Emelle will be awarding a $100 Amazon gift card to a randomly drawn commenter during this tour AND her Reviews Tour.

 a Rafflecopter giveaway


Excerpt One:

It was sunny and mild the July morning Roxanne and I headed up the state highway into the Verdugo Hills. But the Santa Anas were blowing in from the desert, and those aptly called devil winds rocked our car with gusts of heat and dust that caused tiny sparks of electricity to snap against my fingertips every time I touched my hair.

I looked forward to the Santa Anas each summer because they cleared every trace of smog from the vast L.A. basin and left the air sparkling. But that day they were weeks early and their intensity increased a sense of foreboding I’d awakened with.

I squeezed my hands together and glanced at the woman sitting next to me, for she was the true reason for my uneasiness.

My best friend and I should have been relaxed and chatty, but we hadn’t been either lately. Roxanne had recently broken up with the guy she’d been seeing for years, and her mood alarmed me. She had barely said a word at the front door when she picked me up, and nothing at all since we’d been in the car.

Slowly I turned my head from side to side, trying to ease the knot of anxiety in my neck. I reached up to massage my shoulder but the seatbelt held me snugly, so I undid it.

The lock made a sharp click as it released.

“What’s wrong?” Roxanne asked.

“Nothing.” I spoke quietly. “Just a kink. I must have slept weird.”

She frowned and shifted gears and the road rose higher in front of us…


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Emelle Gamble was a writer at an early age, bursting with the requisite childhood stories of introspection which evolved into bad teen poetry and took her first stab at full length fiction in an adult education writing class when her kids were in bed. As M.L. Gamble, she published several romantic suspense novels with Harlequin. She has contracted with Soul Mate Publishing for Secret Sister, summer of 2013, and Dating Cary Grant, an early 2014 release.

Always intrigued by the words ‘what if’, Emelle’s books feature an ordinary woman confronted with an extraordinary situation.  She most enjoys reading stories that surprise and amaze her, and hopes her readers will enjoy the challenging and exciting journeys her characters take.

Emelle lives in suburban Washington D.C.  with her husband, Phil, her hero of thirty years,  and two orange cats, Lucy and Bella. These girls, like all good villains, have their reasons for misbehaving. Her daughter, Olivia, and son, Allen, are happily launched on their own and contributing great things to society, their mother’s fondest wish.



FaceBook:  Author Emelle Gamble

Twitter: @EmelleGamble

Buy Links will come as soon as they’re available.


  1. Keisha Talley, Thank you very much for hosting this stop on my blog tour! Your questions were great...especially this one:
    Q:Tell us about yourself in 3 words?A:Searching. Maternal. Optimistic. (I wanted to say thin, rich and pretty, but I don’t lie well…HA!) It's hard to describe oneself in 3 words, especially for a writer. I'd love to hear your readers do this...come on readers, describe yourself in 3 words!

  2. Hi Emelle, I enjoyed the interview, I've read so much about you I feel like I know you. lol

    Me in 3 words, kind, caring, dependable.


    1. I got a laugh out of this, Rita. I'm actually getting sick of my own stories on this blog tour! The saving grace is meeting wonderful readers like you. Good luck in the drawing!

  3. LOL! I enjoy other peoples dogs, but I am also a cat person.

    3 words that describe me. LOL! According to my mom, who means it nicer then it sound "High Maintenance Bitch" It's not far from the truth, as a single girl who doesn't have to worry about other people or kids. I do my own thing, even if it's not what my mom or family would find appropriate :) I come from a long line of "pleasers" and I'm not really.

    1. I like your style Angela! Not one thing wrong with High Maintenance. Thanks so much for posting, and good luck in the drawing! You might really enjoy Secret Sister, by the way. Roxanne is also a HMB! HA! XXX

  4. I really loved the excerpt. Sounds fascinating. Loved your comments.

    1. Hey MomJane...thanks for the kind words. Great good luck in the drawing!

  5. The excerpt really stood out. Thank you for sharing with us.

    1. Steve Weber...thank you for posting. I'm happy to hear you liked the excerpt...give Secret Sister a look if you get the chance. I think the cast of characters rock, and even those (very very few-HA!) who don't like it said they couldn't put it down!

  6. Emelle, this sounds like an interesting plot. Thanks for sharing it with us.

    1. Hey Robin. Thanks for posting. Like I told Steve Weber up above, it is a twisty old plot. If you like that kind of surprise mixed with your romance, give it a try. Good luck in the drawing.

  7. Enjoyed your interview. Three words for me are loving, giving and loyal.

    1. Thanks Robbie! And I love your 3 words! We should all strive for those, IMO. Thanks for posting!

  8. Great interview! Thanks for sharing it and the giveaway. Sounds like a great book. Wishing everyone a wonderful and magical holiday season. evamillien at gmail dot com

    1. I hope you have a great one too, Eva. Thanks, as always, for following the blog tour.

  9. Fun interview! I think intensity is a good quality, given your profession...


  10. Thanks vitajex! Intensity is a good quality in everyone...if you believe, you strive. Happy Holidays and thanks for stopping in.

  11. Loved your answers to this interview....especially #4! Hey, in print, an author can lie about just about anything she wants! Including a description of herself. Just tell everyone that photo is a photo shop stock pic! LOL

  12. Another great interview. Thx for sharing :)


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